Mount and blade warband star wars mod
Mount and blade warband star wars mod

mount and blade warband star wars mod

On the worldmap, the Rebel Alliance is in dark red, the Galactic Empire is in light blue, the Hutt Cartel is in orange, and the wandering bandit parties are in yellow.

  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: Strange example.
  • Gender Bender: According to the information logs ingame, Chewbacca is a female Wookiee.
  • First-Person Shooter: The mod being focused on ranged combat, playing a character based on pistol / rifle fighting can give this impressin, especially when playing in first person camera.
  • Dual Wielding / Guns Akimbo / Sword and Gun: Mount & Blade doesn’t allow any dual weapon mêlée / ranged combat, but the mod features a few shields which have the same appearance as some blaster pistols or lightsabers, allowing the player character or any companion to bear any dual wield combination of pistol and mêlée weapon.
  • The trope is also used by the town-type planets, but a bit downplayed: some of them (Kamino, Yavin IV, Kashyyyk, Naboo, Endor, etc) have an unique set representing its streets the Hutt worlds share a special tileset. The main halls and cantinas are identical in any planet. There are two different scenes for castle-type planets. Most of the village-type planets use the same set.
  • Cut-and-Paste Environments: Used despite the number of different planets in the mod.
  • mount and blade warband star wars mod

    There are helmets which entirely conceal the head, some others which hide the hair but leave the face visible, and even some items which provides (limited) head protection while not hiding face and hair at all (cybernetic glasses, capes, Master Sith robe, etc).

    mount and blade warband star wars mod mount and blade warband star wars mod

    I really appreciate and wanted to thank everybody again that has contributed and supported this mod and the rest of the Taleworlds community for their help. For updates and downloads to SWC I recommend checking the ModDB page below since that will be more updated than this page in the future. NOTE: Unfortunately, I no longer have time to work on Star Wars Conquest, but Swyter and the rest of the team are continuing to further improve this mod. Scene editing is in progress and many of the major planets have been modified. The Training and Quick Battles have been modified and the Custom Battle Mod and other functionality have also been integrated. All textures for the user interface and in towns/castles/villages have been switched and the map has been switched to a space texture with planets. Each faction includes over 12 different troops (Jedi, Sith, Stormtroopers, Commando's, Scout Troopers, Rebel Pilots, Skiff Guards, etc) and the mercenaries in the game have been switched to various aliens like Wookiees, Gamorreans, Twileks, Rodians, Trandoshans, and others. There are three factions in the game: Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, and the Hutt Cartel. This is a Star Wars mod for Mount & Blade 1.010/1.011.

    Mount and blade warband star wars mod